Sweet, Soft-Spoken Client

Emerald was a sweet, soft-spoken young woman who did not want to disappoint her parents with an unplanned pregnancy. She never envisioned herself in this situation. She lives with her parents, attends school, and her life is in order. Her limited ultrasound showed she was 7 ½ weeks pregnant and at her request, a registered nurse walked her through what the abortion options at that stage would be like.

All she kept thinking about was that her parents would kick her out. She also wasn’t sure the father of the baby is the one for her and doesn’t believe he will stick around. Emerald said, “…I don’t want to live my life knowing I had an abortion, but my parents will probably kick me out when they find out I’m pregnant. I feel everything is against me and my only choice is abortion.”

After the limited ultrasound, we sat down and Emerald took a deep breath. I was able to walk her through different scenarios and take a realistic look at her circumstances. Would her parents really kick her out? Would they allow her to live on the streets? Emerald was able to see that her fear was driving the abortion. Yes, her parents are going to be upset, but most likely will support her and the new baby.

As she left, she hadn’t made a firm choice. She needed to think about it a bit. I told her things have a way of changing when we are more calm and that we would be here for her anytime she needed to come in and talk… no matter what she decided.

I later heard from Emerald and she thanked me for talking to her about the options for her and her baby. She now sees a light at the end of the tunnel and looks forward to holding her baby.